Advanced techniques in the optimum design of structures

Advanced techniques in the optimum design of structures
202 pags.
Computational Mechanics Pub.

Los siete coautores del libro describen los aspectos más relevantes de este campo de investigación. La relación de capítulos y autores es: From CAD to CHAOSD: Structural Design and Optimization Techniques (S. Hernández, U. de La Coruña), Sentitivity Analysis in Static and Dynamic Problems (S. Kodiyalam, General Electric), Adaptative Finite Element Methods in Computer Aided Engineering (N. Kikuchi y T. Torigaki, U. de Michigan), Entropy-based Optimization Methods for Engineering Design (A.B. Templeman, U. de Liverpool), Mixed Elements in Shape Optimal Design of Structures based on Compliance (R.P. Leal y C.A. Mota Soares, I.S.T. de Lisboa), Computer Graphics for Optimum Design (P. Beckers, U. de Lieja), Development of Efficient Structural Design Software (G.N. Vanderplaats, VMA Engineering).