Wind pressures on buildings in "La Ciudad de la Cultura"

At this moment, “La Ciudad de la Cultura”, which consists of six buildings of irregular geometry and the roofs simulating the ground contour is under construction in the suburbs of Santiago de Compostela, in Galicia, Spain. To accomplish this project, various conditions were considered, such as a flow condition (jet-wind flow phenomenon), a topographical condition (location on a hill), and a meteorological condition (wind gusts). In order to meet all the conditions, a special study was carried out on wind loads on the roofs and the façades of the buildings in this area. In this manner, we dealt with a special case like this one that the actual Standard does not cover. First of all, we determined the extreme wind conditions of the city of Santiago by obtaining the logarithmic wind profiles. Then these profiles were varied depending on the ground characteristics. Finally, a computer application was created to obtain maximum pressure results and their maximum and average variations by entering data such as period and ground type using the Spanish Standard, AE-88 for façades and roofs.

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