Computer graphics for engineering and urban planning projects
The goal of this course was to introduce the attendants to scientific principles of the existing computer graphic tools of advanced visualization and design in professional practice. A basic lecture on computer types and their common auxiliary equipments was added to the theoretical aspects. Some applications were presented in the wide range of engineering and urban planning fields such as urbanization, environmental engineering, reinforced concrete structures, and construction. A lecture on the most advanced commercial modelling programs such as AutoCAD was added as well as the advanced 3Dstudio visualization. The methods for performing computer animation work and post-production digital video techniques were also mentioned.
- Tuesday 27th
- 16.15 Presentation of the course
- 16.30 Engineering, computer and graphic representation
- 17.30 Hardware for computer graphics
- 18.30 Coffee break
- 18.45 Multimedia systems design
- 19.45 3-D Representation
- Wednesday 28th
- 09.30 Geographic Information Systems. GIS
- 10.30 GIS applications in urban and regional planning
- 11.30 Coffee break
- 11.45 Electrical engineering applications
- 12.45 Structural engineering applications
- 16.30 Urban planning and building applications
- 17.30 Introduction to AutoCAD 13
- 18.30 Practice with AutoCAD 13 (I)
- Thursday 29th
- 09.30 Practice with AutoCAD 13 (II)
- 10.30 Practice with AutoCAD 13 (III)
- 11.30 Coffee break
- 11.45 Rendering & Animation (I)
- 12.45 Rendering & Animation (II)
- 16.30 Introduction to 3-D Studio v4.0
- 17.30 Special modeling techniques. Metaballs
- 18.30 Accessory modules programming for 3-D Studio. IPAS
- Friday 30th
- 09.30 Practice with 3-D Studio v4.0 (I)
- 10.30 Practice with 3-D Studio v4.0 (II)
- 11.30 Coffee break
- 11.45 Debate on computer graphics and engineering
- 12.45 Practical digital video post-production
- 13.45 Closing of the course and diploma awards
- 14.30 Spanish wine